Dedicated to Helping RVA
Our team is lean, mean, and full of RVA natives. Because of our passion for ensuring the success of the Greater Richmond community, some of our team have dual roles as board members and volunteers.

Lamesha Gray
Founder and President
In October 2021, Lamesha Gray was deeply moved by a group of at-risk teens participating in a Richmond City Public School program, prompting her to seek ways to make a more substantial contribution to her community than an annual Thanksgiving donation. She initiated efforts to locate community resources and championed the cause of struggling at-risk teens in need of assistance with SOL preparation, preparation is provided to local county students. Despite encountering obstacles in her attempts to engage with the school district administration and officials, she resolved to establish a transformative initiative that could positively influence her community. This led to the creation of Helping Our Community RVA on October 29, 2021.​